Tune in Monday-Wednesday to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day (March 25th) and a days long play of the music of middle-earth!


Beginning Sunday February 26th, at 3PM PST & re-airing every Friday & Sunday at 3PM PST we’ll be welcoming the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast and Strange Studies of Strange Stories to our Heroes and Mortals Radio talk line-up.  We’re quite excited to welcome hosts Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey to our slate of talk shows.  […]

You learned them when you were young, you sung them to your children, you may even have fond memories of Humpty Dumpty, three blind mice, or a (baa baa) black sheep, but these stories aren’t what you thought they were.  Behind the sing song meter, gentle voice, and light music that accompanies many nursery rhymes […]

There are many epic people in history, some heroes, some not, Attila the Hun is not a hero, but he sure was epic. Murray Dahm at medievalists.net writes about who he was, what he did, and as part of the lengthy article goes into detail on film, plays, operas and the many musical numbers created […]

B.G. Franklin, author of the Azelom series, sat down for an interview on Heroes and Mortals Radio with our resident elf, The Elven Scholar! The Azelom series currently consists of two books, with more coming! Azelom: Rise of the Mountain God Azelom: The Shattered Accord “In the Age of Discovery, the mighty Rovart Dominion rules […]

New Show Premiere: Sunday Dec. 19th at 2:30pm! The Elven Scholar, host of the popular Elven Awakenings live show, is hosting another show for fans of elves, elvenkind, and other fairy folk. Mythic Tales of Hope with The Elven Scholar, poetry and stories from elves, fae, and otherkind will air this Sunday, Dec. 19th at […]

Via the wonderful CantApp, you can view a scan of an original manuscript of The Canterbury Tales, listen to the General Prologue in its original Middle English, and read along as the story is translated line by line to English.  We’re big fans of “old documents” and this is a wonderful presentation of the one […]

King Arthur is familiar to everyone who loves medieval stories and to many so are the expanded stories of individual characters within Arthurian legend. One of those characters, Sir Gawain, has been written about extensively, particularly his quest against The Green Knight in two famous 14th century poems, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and […]

Everyone loves Arthurian legend and we’re well steeped in it’s lore here at Heroes and Mortals. Much of that is because we’re avid readers of Medievalists.net, one of the most popular sources for medieval lore, history, art, and content online. Author James Turner at medievalists.net just wrapped up an 8-part series titled “In Search of […]

Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society has become open access! A peer-reviewed journal of the Tolkien Society that publishes articles, research notes, reviews, and artwork on subjects related to, or inspired by, the life and works of J. R. R. Tolkien, Mallorn has been a great reference and discussion tool for Tolkien scholars for […]

2021 is already gearing up to be a much better year!  For fans of Tolkien’s work at least.  As reported by The Guardian, a trove of never before seen Tolkien essays, and notes have been edited, compiled, and given the blessing of the Tolkien Estate.  These look to be much different than your recycled Silmarillion […]

HAMR: Heroes and Mortals Radio

Epic Fantasy and Sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!

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