Tune in Monday-Wednesday to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day (March 25th) and a days long play of the music of middle-earth!

An interview with Alex Langenbach, Composer of The Silmarillion Soundtrack

Written by on March 23, 2022

Heroes and Mortals had the immense pleasure of meeting one of our own, a lover of music, Tolkien, and the rich world of middle-earth, in Alex Langenbach, a composer with an epic musical passion, the creation of a soundtrack to Tolkien’s The Silmarillion.

Alex started out as a drummer in a metal band, taught himself a few more instruments, went on to study music, and begin his own compositions. A fan of Tolkien’s works, particularly The Silmarillion, he first considered an audiobook reading of the stories with musical accompaniement, but ultimately decided on a vastly richer and more rewarding experience, creating a soundtrack, composed, performed, edited, and mixed by himself.

Immersing himself in Tolkien’s works, and the music that flows from the emotions he feels when reading The Silmarillion, Alex has been steadily publishing songs for the past two years. Maglor’s Lament, The Song of Beren and Luthien, The Fall of Fingolfin, and many more!

Alex is hard at work finishing up the first album which releases September 2, 2022.

Heroes and Mortals Radio was able to interview Alex about his work, inspiration, the music, and why he chose such a monumental task. The interview, conducted by The Elven Scholar (host of our popular show, Elven Awakenings), will be aired throughout our Tolkien Reading Day event the weekend of March 25-27, 2022. Check the schedule for interview times. We will post the interview here after March 27th.

Listen to the interview right here!

Or listen on our YouTube channel:

Here is Alex’s piece titled, The Oath of Fëanor:

We also recommend Alex’s behind the scenes video that tells the story of the Silmarillion soundtrack:

You can support Alex directly and purchase some of his work at:

All of Alex’s incredible work is available at the following sites:

You can find Alex on social media at:


Reader's opinions
    • Heroes and Mortals   On   April 6, 2022 at 7:43 pm

      We’ve just embedded a link on this page for you to listen and we’ll be adding it to our YouTube channel soon as well.

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