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Interview with B.G. Franklin, author of the Azelom series

Written by on January 20, 2022

B.G. Franklin, author of the Azelom series, sat down for an interview on Heroes and Mortals Radio with our resident elf, The Elven Scholar!

The Azelom series currently consists of two books, with more coming!
Azelom: Rise of the Mountain God
Azelom: The Shattered Accord

“In the Age of Discovery, the mighty Rovart Dominion rules the world with an iron fist. Through brutal force and indoctrination, their empire has spread from the sprawling mountains and hills of Rovan in the east, across the Solemn Sea, to the mighty Afall Mountains in the west. On the far western edge of the empire, the young orphan Baric is raised by the village cook, Godfrey. Prophecy, peril, and fate align, casting Baric into a magical journey and adventure of a lifetime. The battle for freedom is sparked with a single flame, which rages into a fiery maelstrom as a people rise to fight a war for deliverance from tyranny.”

B.G. started writing during the pandemic as a way to spend time due to lockdowns and more importantly as a way to create a legacy for his daughter, just as his father (also an author) wrote one of his stories about his family. They discuss his inspirations, how he got started, what it takes to launch a book as a first time author, and how his background and the films, books, and music are incorporated into the world of Azelom.

Listen to the full interview here:

Or listen to the interview on our YouTube channel:

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