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Interview Series: PDX Sci-Fi Book Club and The Elven Scholar

Written by on April 21, 2020

Curated music, interviews, news and more from Heroes and Mortals Radio!

Presenting the Heroes and Mortals Interview series:

PDX Sci-Fi Book Club and The Elven Scholar

Tune in below to listen in live!

When: Wednesday, April 22 at 4pm PST and Sunday, April 26 at 11am PST
Where: https://heroesandmortals.com

Interview with Diane from:

Portland SCI-FI Book Club

This book club meets on the first Wednesday of every month to discuss sci-fi books chosen by members. We meet at a local restaurant where it is possible to order food or drink before or during the meeting.



Interview with Earendil Spindelilus, The Elven Scholar, from:

Lambengolmor – The Elven School of Loremasters

Lambengolmor – The Elven School of Loremasters is an elven college for higher learning of the arts of healing, history, philosophy and language and spiritual matters of growth, grand opening April 22nd, 2020.



If you would like to hear more interviews, please drop us a line with recommendations, comment below, sign up for our newsletter, or share our site on Facebook.

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Epic Fantasy and Sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!

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