Tune in Monday-Wednesday to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day (March 25th) and a days long play of the music of middle-earth!

Renaissance Faire Weekend

Written by on October 7, 2019

Celebrate the festive music of the Renaissance Faire!

Tune in right here on October 12th & 13th at 1pm and 4pm PST.

Meadow Stage

Saturday, October 12, 1pm PST
Sunday, October 13, 1 pm PST

Celtic, folk, and traditional songs are the heart and soul of the Faire. Have a seat in the audience and enjoy our mix of old and new favorites.


Saturday, October 12, 4pm PST
Sunday, October 13, 4pm PST

Many cultures contributed to the wonder that was the Renaissance. The Caravanserai features festive music from the Middle East, Mediterranean, and Eastern Europe.

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