Tune in Monday-Wednesday to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day (March 25th) and a days long play of the music of middle-earth!


We’re always putting together new shows and new content here at HAMR and we want to announce our new “talk block”, Talk and Tales, featuring podcasts, book reviews, and old school sci-fi radio dramas hosted by ourselves or our community partners.  We’ve been running this for a couple months tweaking the content and have a […]

Heroes and Mortals had the immense pleasure of meeting one of our own, a lover of music, Tolkien, and the rich world of middle-earth, in Alex Langenbach, a composer with an epic musical passion, the creation of a soundtrack to Tolkien’s The Silmarillion. Alex started out as a drummer in a metal band, taught himself […]

We’ve been working on some new shows and special programs for Heroes and Mortals Radi0 to incorporate a broader range of new and old podcasts and radio shows. In addition to the popular Elven Awakenings and Encounters with the Good People shows on Sunday, we’re announcing the following new shows: Book Reviews by K Fox […]

Curated music, interviews, news and more from Heroes and Mortals Radio! Presenting the Heroes and Mortals Interview series: PDX Sci-Fi Book Club and The Elven Scholar Tune in below to listen in live! When: Wednesday, April 22 at 4pm PST and Sunday, April 26 at 11am PST Where: https://heroesandmortals.com Interview with Diane from: Portland SCI-FI Book […]

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HAMR: Heroes and Mortals Radio

Epic Fantasy and Sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!

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