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Lovecraft Literary Podcast to air on HAMR

Written by on February 17, 2023

Beginning Sunday February 26th, at 3PM PST & re-airing every Friday & Sunday at 3PM PST we’ll be welcoming the H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast and Strange Studies of Strange Stories to our Heroes and Mortals Radio talk line-up.  We’re quite excited to welcome hosts Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey to our slate of talk shows.  Both Chad and Chris’s work have been longtime personal favorites of ours, and both are outstanding hosts, adding a rare level of creativity and professionalism to their broadcasting art.


Writer/actor/musician, originally from Illinois, Chad lived in Los Angeles for 25 years and recently relocated to Madison, WI.


Chris is an American podcaster and writer living in Yorkshire, England. Also the co-host of the podcast Rachel Watches Star Trek.













Chad and Chris have been creating podcasts and audio productions since 2009, first as The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast and now as Strange Studies of Strange Stories. Each episode they discuss a piece of classic genre fiction produced with talented voice actors, music and sound effects, with occasional guest experts to keep things classy.  With episodes Such as Beowulf, Leaf by Niggle, Dracula, The Time Machine, and many more you’ll be entertained and informed!

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Epic Fantasy and Sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!

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