Tune in Monday-Wednesday to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day (March 25th) and a days long play of the music of middle-earth!


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If you’re not already, please subscribe to our newsletter Thanks to all of you that read and shared our last newsletter, we’re grateful for your continued interest and support. We too are always seeking new adventures so pull up a chair and read on for updates and a special announcement on a new project of […]

If you’re not already, please subscribe to our newsletter We heard you all clamoring for content (or maybe we imagined it, that is what we spend a lot of our time doing) so figured we better get on it.  Below, and monthly, find information on new and upcoming products from Mythril Made, get early notice […]

HAMR: Heroes and Mortals Radio

Epic Fantasy and Sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!

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