Tune in Monday-Wednesday to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day (March 25th) and a days long play of the music of middle-earth!

Talk and Tales

Book reviews, classic sci-fi radio dramas, the lives of elves, fae, and the otherkind, in a series of short contemporary and classic shows, interspersed with our regular daytime epic programming.  Most shows run from about 5-20 minutes, with a few running 30-75 minutes.

Current schedule:

Monday – Saturday:

10:30 AM Liam’s Lyceum Book Reviews

Insightful book reviews from well known authors including Sanderson, Tolkien, William Morris, and many more.
Host: Liam

11:00 AM SFF Audio’s Reading, Short, and Deep

Each week Eric and Jesse mine the riches of another marvelous short story, poem, or video, freely available to read on the RSD website
Hosts: Eric and Jesse from SFF Audio

12:00 PM Mythic Matinee and Sci-fi

Curated from old radio dramas from years past, some of the very first sci-fi radio dramas aired on terrestrial radio.
Host: Heroes and Mortals Radio


3:00 PM Lovecraft Literary Podcast

Discussions on classic genre fiction produced with talented voice actors, music, sound effects, and occasional guest experts.
Host: Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey


9:30 AM Elvish Awakenings

Discussing all things Elven.
Host: Dr. Earendil Spindelilus, The Elven Scholar.

11:00 AM Encounters with Strangeness

Tales of encounters with Faerie, Fae, Ghosts, and other Strange Folk.
Host: Kitty.

11:30 AM Book Reviews by K Fox

Book reviews of your favorite fantasy and science-fiction books by your favorite authors.
Host: K Fox

12:00 PM Neighborhood Watch Top 5

Local Portland movie critics give us their 5 minute top 5 servings of sci-fi, fantasy, and horror flicks.
Hosts: Peter and Dr.K

12:05 PM Liam’s Lyceum Book Reviews

Insightful book reviews from well known authors including Sanderson, Tolkien, William Morris, and many more.
Host: Liam

1:00 PM Mythic Theatre (Sci-fi Radio Dramas)

Curated from old radio dramas from years past, some of the very first sci-fi radio dramas aired on terrestrial radio.
Host: Heroes and Mortals Radio

2:00 PM SFF Audio’s Reading, Short and Deep

Each week Eric and Jesse mine the riches of another marvelous short story, poem, or video, freely available to read on the RSD website
Hosts: Eric and Jesse from SFF Audio

3:00 PM Lovecraft Literary Podcast

Discussions on classic genre fiction produced with talented voice actors, music, sound effects, and occasional guest experts.
Host: Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey

Most of our Talk and Tales programming is hosted by our Community Partners who we are grateful to work with to rebroadcast their original content on Heroes and Mortals Radio.  For more information on our hosts and their shows including links to their websites, social, and ways to support them, please visit our Community page.

Note: The information and opinions discussed on all shows are for entertainment purposes only, all opinions are of the radio show host only, not that of Heroes and Mortals. Neither these shows nor Heroes and Mortals provide medical advice. We recommend all listeners and visitors consult their own medical professionals regarding any medical questions you have or medical opinions expressed on these radio shows or this website.

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HAMR: Heroes and Mortals Radio

Epic Fantasy and Sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!

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