Tune in Monday-Wednesday to celebrate Tolkien Reading Day (March 25th) and a days long play of the music of middle-earth!

Our Community

Join the Heroes and Mortals community and share the musical and other worlds that inspire us all!

Community Partners

Our community partners are an important part of Heroes and Mortals Radio.  The talents and tales they tell help make this station what it is and provide endless hours of content for you to enjoy.  If you like the programming you hear on HAMR and our Talk and Tales programming which features our community partner content, please visit the links below for our partner’s websites, YouTube channels, social, and Patreon or other support sites, and be sure to follow, share, and give them some feedback!

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Heroes and Mortals Interviews

Heroes and Mortals Radio and our community partners interview interesting and creative artists in the fantasy and sci-fi genres.  We air new interviews live when they occur and archive them below and on our YouTube channel.  Please give them a listen and more importantly, drop the artists a line and support them in their creative endeavors.

Tune in to our community partner shows!
Visit the Talk and Tales page for up to date info and schedules.

Or visit our Programs page for all HAMR programming and schedules.

Book Reviews By K Fox

Host: K Fox

K Fox, a self-described lover of books (and cats!) has been reviewing books on her YouTube channel, KFoxtheGreat, for the past few years and has gained a loyal following. From Terry Pratchet’s Discworld series, The Never Ending Story, to Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Wizard of Earthsea, Carl Sagan’s Contact, and many more, she reviews many of your favorite fantasy and science fiction books.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kfoxthegreat/
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kfoxthegreat
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kfoxthegreat/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KFoxtheGreat/

Sample Playlist

Encounters with Strangeness

Host: Kitty

Sit back, relax with a cup of tea and join Kitty for Encounters with Strangeness a regular audio and video podcast of tales of sightings and interactions with the Strange, Dark and Inexplicable: Ghosts, Cryptids, Witches, Fae, Aliens and mysteries without a name.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/EncountersWithStrangeness
Website: https://www.encounterswiththegoodpeople.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EncounterswithStrangeness

Elven Awakenings

Host: Dr. Earendil Spindelilus, The Elven Scholar

Elven Awakenings discusses all things Elven, including culture, diet, history, language and how to live as an Elf in your day to day modern life. The show also delves into the spiritual aspects of what it is to be Elven and how we can all find that Elven Light which shines within us all by re-awakening your Elven spirit.

LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/elvenscholar
Website (Elven Artefacts Shop): https://info774372.wixsite.com/elvenartifacts
Website (Lambengolmor, The Elven School of Loremasters): http://elvenscholar.org
YouTube: The Gentle Musing of an Elven Scholar

Sample Playlist

Liam’s Lyceum Book Reviews

Host: Liam

Insightful book reviews from well known and even obscure authors, including Sanderson, Tolkien, William Morris, and many many more!

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LiamQDH
Website: https://www.forgottenrealmsreading.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Liam’sLyceum/

Sample Playlist

Mythic Theater and Mythic Matinee, Sci-fi

Unlike the other shows here at HAMR, our Mythic shows are curated from old radio dramas from many years past. Some of the very first sci-fi radio dramas and most unique radio programming from the early 1900s with classics such as Dimension X, 2000 Plus, and individual programs such as Call Me Joe By Poul Anderson, Forbidden Planet, King Solomon’s Mines, The Sword in the Stone, Tales of Conan the Barbarian, The Black Arrow, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Fall of the House of Usher, The Room Where the Ghosts Live, and many, many more.  Internet radio wouldn’t be where it is today without terrestrial radio and the early pioneers of radio dramas and the creative minds that produced these early tales of legend and adventure.  Tune in for our curated rebroadcasts of these timeless audio programs.

Neighborhood Watch Top 5

Host: Peter and Dr. K

Neighborhood Watch Top 5 is a series of podcasts from the Neighborhood Watch Podcast, hosted by Peter and Dr.K where neighbors, friends, and gentlemen adventurers, talk about sci-fi, fantasy, horror movies and everything in between.

Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/neighborhood-watch-podcast/id1404173963
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neighborhoodwatchpod/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-367613537
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/NeighborhoodWatchPodcast

* Note: Some episodes may contain “explicit” language.

Sample Playlist

SFF Audio’s Reading, Short, and Deep

Host: Eric and Jesse from SFF Audio

Share the joys-and sharpen the skills-of deep reading. In each weekly half-hour podcast, Eric Rabkin and Jesse Willis mine together the riches of another marvelous short story, poem, or video. Each work, freely available on the RSD website, can be read in half an hour or less, and discussed for hours.

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/SFFaudio
Podcast Feed: https://sffaudio.herokuapp.com/podcast/rss
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sffaudio
Website: https://www.sffaudio.com/reading-short-and-deep/

Lovecraft Literary Podcast

Host: Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey

Chad and Chris have been creating podcasts and audio productions since 2009, first as The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast and now as Strange Studies of Strange Stories. Each episode they discuss a piece of classic genre fiction produced with talented voice actors, music and sound effects, with occasional guest experts to keep things classy. With episodes Such as Beowulf, Leaf by Niggle, Dracula, The Time Machine, and many more you’ll be entertained and informed!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hppodcraft
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hppodcraft/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/witchhousemedia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HPPodcraft
Website: https://www.strangestudies.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/witchhousemedia

Heroes and Mortals Interview Archive

Interview with Alex Langenbach

Composer of a Silmarillion inspired soundtrack.

Heroes and Mortals had the immense pleasure of meeting one of our own, a lover of music, Tolkien, and the rich world of middle-earth, in Alex Langenbach, a composer with an epic musical passion, the creation of a soundtrack to Tolkien’s The Silmarillion.

See all of Alex’s music on his YouTube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/c/AlexSonicsMusic/

Read about the interview here or listen to it below:

Interview with B. G. Franklin

 Author of the Azelom series.

In the Age of Discovery, the mighty Rovart Dominion rules the world with an iron fist. Through brutal force and indoctrination, their empire has spread from the sprawling mountains and hills of Rovan in the east, across the Solemn Sea, to the mighty Afall Mountains in the west. On the far western edge of the empire, the young orphan Baric is raised by the village cook, Godfrey. Prophecy, peril, and fate align, casting Baric into a magical journey and adventure of a lifetime. The battle for freedom is sparked with a single flame, which rages into a fiery maelstrom as a people rise to fight a war for deliverance from tyranny.

Read about the interview here or listen below:

Note: The information and opinions discussed on all shows are for entertainment purposes only, all opinions are of the radio show host only, not that of Heroes and Mortals. Neither these shows nor Heroes and Mortals provide medical advice. We recommend all listeners and visitors consult their own medical professionals regarding any medical questions you have or medical opinions expressed on these radio shows or this website.

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HAMR: Heroes and Mortals Radio

Epic Fantasy and Sci-fi radio forged from the heroes and mortals of history and myth!

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